FLDOE has updated the graduation requirement page on their website so that it is broken down by the year students entered 9th grade. In addition, Honors diplomas are phasing out and being replaced by Scholar and Merit designated diplomas. Please see the link below for more detailed information:
The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) has created two new diploma designations: Scholar and Merit. These designations are not separate diplomas and will only show on a student’s transcript after the conclusion of the academic year if met.
In order for seniors to receive the Scholar designation, students must complete selected courses and pass the Biology and US History End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments, on the first attempt, in addition to the standard graduation requirements based on their cohort.
The Florida Legislature has made no exemption for passing these assessments through concordant/comparative scores on related assessments (e.g. Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate) or by allowing students who took these courses before the assessments were offered to receive an exemption.
If you would like for your student to take the Biology and/or US History End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment in order to attempt to qualify for the Scholar’s Designation, students may sign up at https://forms.gle/KC7gJRaeaiamH6Fz7 at least two weeks prior to the test date. Please make sure that the student has already completed the course and not taken the exam. For questions regarding the Biology and/or US History EOC, please email [email protected].