Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has inspired millions of Americans over the years with his achievable dream. Because of his contribution to the civil rights movement, Dr. King ranked second only to Mother Teresa in a Gallup list of Most Widely Admired People of the 20th Century. During his career, he provided many lessons about leadership that have broad applicability, even for our Panthers while in high school. Among them:
• Set goals and make a detailed plan of action to reach them — for yourself and your organization.
• Understand your adversary's point of view to recognize the weaknesses of your own positions.
• Never seek to humiliate your opponent; search for common ground.
• Conduct a postmortem analysis of every action to learn from your mistakes.
• When speaking, relate stories of individual acts of courage and sacrifice to help make your cause relevant to the daily lives of those affected.
• Practice what you preach.
• Stay awake to new ideas and have the courage to change.
• Keep fellow leaders focused on priorities.
• Keep followers well-informed.
• Constantly look for alliances, if only on one issue.
• Listen to your critics carefully.
I hope you enjoy the MLK Day holiday and I look forward to seeing everyone back on campus Tuesday morning to begin another successful week!
DP Panthers—Never Less Than The Best
Principal, Jackie Ramsey